National nutrition policy in the United States

Omenn, G.S.; Simopoulos, A.P.

Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 67: 473-479


ISSN/ISBN: 0361-7742
PMID: 7301866
Document Number: 171778
There is little doubt that nutrition policy has political significance and high visibility in the US today. Political interest in food and nutrition over the past 50 years is briefly highlighted. Two of the more important political events in 1977 were the publication and revision of the "Dietary Goals For the US" and the establishment of the Nutrition Research Interagency Working Group by the US Office of Science and Technology Policy, that led to the publication of "New Directions in Federally-supported Human Nutrition Research." Research priorities identified in this latter report are discussed. Highlights of new programs in nutrition research since 1977 in the federal government and industry also are discussed. Consumer interest in nutrition continues to be high; a 1978 survey found that 71% of all US citizens believed better nutrition to be related to improving life quality. With continued public interest and support, higher attention by the scientific community, and industry support of nutrition research, the future for nutrition research and nutrition in general appears bright. (wz)

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