Issues concerning Mexican cattle on feedlots in the United States as reported in the United States National Animal Health Monitoring System 1994-1995 Cattle on Feed Evaluation

Losinger, W.C.

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 31(1-2): 15-18


ISSN/ISBN: 0167-5877
PMID: 9234422
DOI: 10.1016/s0167-5877(96)01136-1
Document Number: 625510
Producers participating in the United States National Animal Health Monitoring System 1994-1995 Cattle on Feed Evaluation provided information on cattle of Mexican origin in their feedlot operations. Cattle of Mexican origin accounted for 8.1% of cattle placed on United States feedlots from 1 July 1993 through 30 June 1994. Of operations with a one-time capacity of 1000 or more cattle, 12.8% placed cattle of Mexican origin on their feedlots over this time frame. Very few operations (about 1%) reported cattle of Mexican origin at the same time as cattle to be used for breeding in the United States.

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