Some aspects of the control of atrophic rhinitis

Hunneman, W.A.; Voets, M.T.; de Bok, A.M.; van der Kieft, G.

Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 103(15): 801-803


ISSN/ISBN: 0040-7453
PMID: 80041
Document Number: 127110
This paper follows up the control programme initiated in 1975 (VB 47, abst. 1589). While the initial results were promising, an inspection carried out in August 1977 revealed various difficulties in implementing the control programme in the long term. Of 24 herds where a three-week "piglet-free" period was arranged at the start of the scheme, 3 were still affected in 1966, increasing to 13 in 1977, while on 14 herds where drug therapy was practised, 2 were affected in 1966, increasing to 10 in 1977. Causes of failure included improper use of sulfadimidine and antibiotics, and underestimation of the importance of sows as a reservoir of infection.

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