Study of the mechanisms of adrenaline effect on the coupling of respiration with phosphorylation and K+ content in the cardiac mitochondria

Dolgov, V.V.

Kardiologiia 17(7): 131-135


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-9040
PMID: 200785
Document Number: 112131
The binding of Ca2+ with fatty acids during the isolation of mitochondria from a conine heart was shown not to prevent the dissociation of respiration and physphorylation produced by adrenalin. The proteinkinase activated by cyclic AMP participates in the dissociation of respiration and phosphorylation in the mitochondria when adrenalin is administered in vivo. The reduced K+ content in the mitochondria under the effect of adrenalin is attributed to a reduction of the membrane potential of the mitochondria, the passive permeability of the mitochondria for K+ ions remaining unchanged.

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