Appearance of a syndrome similar to graft versus host reaction in C57 B1/6 mice bearing skin allogenic graft

Nedelea, M.; Dima, S.

Morphologie et Embryologie 21(4): 299-304


ISSN/ISBN: 0377-5038
PMID: 4728
Document Number: 92150
A syndrome similar to GVHR is described in mice of C57B1/6 strain during the WHT/Ht skin allografts rejection period. In all the cases the described thymus involution was associated with the hypertrophy of lymph nodes. Their volume increase is due to the high number of blastic pyroninophilic and plasma cells concomitant with small lymphocytes depletion in the cortical area, and with a very pronounced hypertrophy of medullary cords by presence of a high number of plasmocytes and blastic cells. These changes have been noticed only in some animals sacrified during the first days after grafting and never later one. In agreement with the scarce data of the literature, we think that the immunocompetent passenger lymphocyte comprised in the skin grafts constitute an immunologic organ able to induce a GVHR at the beginning of the period of graft survival on the host. This GVHR, generally mild and without clinical and microscopic signs, becomes obvious only in animals which, for unknown reasons, present a low immunologic defense capacity. In these animals the described process seems to be reversible.

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