Infant nutrition with honey milk (nectar-mil)

Hubner, B.

Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 100(8): 311-313


ISSN/ISBN: 0341-3098
PMID: 13526657
Document Number: 9174
The preparation "nectar-mil" 1st a nutritional product for infants which contains an abundance of active agents. One carbohydrate is honey which, being an invert-sugar, is particularly easily digested. The second carbohydrate is wheat-germ mucilage which is slowly absorbable and prevents fermentation. According to our experiences the attempt can be considered as successful. The testinfants showed a regular weight curve, a minimal incidence of dyspepsias and infections, and in most cases an acidophil intestinal flora with copious B. bifidum. Although the author fed only five premature babies with honey milk, four of them with great success, he is of the opinion that also for premature infants honey milk is of great value. He will attempt to verify this statement in a further test-series.

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Infant nutrition with honey milk (nectar-mil)