Induction of labor in cattle using prostaglandin F2-alpha, in relation to clinical course, uterine motility, and blood progesterone levels

Zerobin, K.; Jochle, W.; Dobeli, M.; Steingruber, C.; Becker, M.

Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 117(4): 219-241


ISSN/ISBN: 0036-7281
PMID: 1169815
Document Number: 91036
Results in 14 heifers showed that 20-30 mg prostaglandin F2 alpha is capable of inducing parturition after an average of 50.7 hours. The lowering of the blood plasma progesterone value led to the conclusion that prostaglandin F2 alpha has a luteolytic action on the pregnant uterus and does not induce parturition through a primary oocytocic effect. Uterine contractility, though increased, did not allow one to expect a rapid evacuation of the uterus. The effect of prostaglandin was similar in cases of overdue parturition; in 20 heifers parturition was induced after an average of 46.5 hours. In both areas of indication there was an increased rate of placental retention, but it was no higher than with corticoid-induced parturition. Pathological pregnancies (mummified or macerated foetus, pyometra) in 11 heifers were terminated with prostaglandin F2 alpha in an average of 53.8 hours. Unlike the corticoids, it is active even with a dead foetus.

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