Possibilities for targeted therapy of neuroendocrine tumours
Simonenko, V.B.; Dulin, P.A.; Makanin, M.A.
Klinicheskaia Meditsina 92(8): 5-14
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-2149 PMID: 25790690 Document Number: 672872
The treatment of patients with neuroendocrine tumours and hormonally active distant metastases traditionally included surgical removal of the primary neoplasm, embolization of metastases in the liver, therapy with somatostatin analogs and interferon-alpha to prevent excessive production of regulatory peptides (carcinoid and other endocrine syndromes). Patients with neuroendocrine pancreatic tumours were also treated with alkylating chemotherapeutic drugs including streptosocin and temozolomide. The results of such treatment are far from being satisfactory. Recent progress in the treatment of such patients is due to radiotherapy using somatostatin analogs. Moreover, large-scale randomized studies demonstrated the effectiveness of targeted preparations acting on receptors of vascular growth factors and ripamycin target inhibitors ofmammals. Results of the studies on comparative effectiveness of targeted drugs for combined therapy of neuroendocrine tumours are presented.