Association of TNFSF4 polymorphisms with susceptibility to primary Sjögren's syndrome and primary biliary cirrhosis in a Chinese Han population

Kong, F.; Li, J-Xin.; Li, P.; Li, Y-Zhe.; Zhang, F-Chun.; Zhang, J.

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 31(4): 546-551


ISSN/ISBN: 0392-856X
PMID: 23622253
Document Number: 666385
We aimed to evaluate the association between polymorphisms of TNFSF4 and primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) and primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) in a Chinese Han population. A total of 250 pSS patients, 221 PBC patients, and 393 healthy controls were enrolled. All individuals were ethnic Chinese Han, and each group was matched for gender ratio and age. We identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) via the HapMap Han Chinese Beijing databank for a genetic region containing TNFSF4, and then identified haplotype tagging SNPs with the Tagger programme of Haploview. DNA samples were amplified through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and extension products were differentiated via mass spectrometry. Association analyses were performed using PLINK software. In TNFSF4, T allele and TT genotype of rs2205960, and G allele of rs1234313, were associated with pSS (p<0.05); T allele of rs2205960 was correlated with PBC (p<0.05) as a risk factor. In the haplotype analysis, TAGG and TGGT were correlated with pSS (p<0.05). In genetic additive, dominant, and recessive models analysis, rs2205960 had a significant association with both pSS and PBC, and rs1234313 presented a significant association with pSS (p<0.05). However, no statistically significant difference was found after Bonferroni corrections. Overall, no association between the allele, or genotype, or haplotype frequencies of TNFSF4 and the risk of pSS or PBC was found. TNFSF4 may have little significance as a common genetic component of pSS and PBC in the Chinese Han population.

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