Computer simulation of hydraulic flows in a human eye

Akhmanova, M.A.; Domogatskiĭ, S.P.; Evgrafov, V.I.

Biofizika 56(1): 129-135


ISSN/ISBN: 0006-3029
PMID: 21442894
Document Number: 652628
A two-dimensional computer model was developed to describe hydraulic flows inside the human eye. The flow field was described by coupled Navier-Stokes and Darcy equations. The velocity and pressure profiles in the chambers, the wall, and the vitreous body of the normal eye were obtained using the finite-element method. The model includes the filtration of fluid from the retinal capillary and its drainage through the choroid. The applications of this model include the investigation of the contribution of convection and diffusion to the transport of drugs and study of the kinetics of biodistribution in the eye.

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