SimChip - Computer Simulation of mRNA Steady States
Hoffmann, G.; Ostermeir, R.; Holger Müller; Bitterlich, N.; Martus, P.; Neumaier, M.
Clinical Laboratory 54(1-2): 19-24
ISSN/ISBN: 1433-6510 PMID: 18510040 Document Number: 14926
We developed a public Internet program called SimChip ( It performs virtual in "silico experiments", which reflect the in vivo situation of gene expression. Our computer model simulates up- and downregulation of genes on the basis of differential equations for linear synthesis and non-linear decay of mRNA. Steady-state concentrations are described as ratios of the respective rate constants: c = S/D. Using physiological synthesis rates of 0 to 50 mRNA molecules per min per cell and decay rates of 0.05 to 25% per min, SimChip helps to understand the right-skewed distribution patterns of gene expression levels and calculates the experimental endpoint of the theoretically infinite time needed to achieve perfect equilibrium.
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