Hydatid cyst of the right ventricle, liver and lungs

Basavanagowdappa, H.; Prakash, N.; Srinivas, A.; Babu, M.S.; Shenoy, U.; Nanaiah, A.; Ashwal, A.

Indian Heart Journal 61(1): 97-101


ISSN/ISBN: 0019-4832
PMID: 19729699
Document Number: 631418
Cardiac Echinococcosis is a rare and the most serious of all hydatid manifestations. We report here a case of 27 year old female who had hydatid cyst in the liver, lungs & right ventricle. The cardiac hydatid cyst was operated and numerous daughter cysts were removed. Diagnostic radiological illustrations and surgical specimen of daughter cysts has been provided in this article.

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