Oxybutynin chloride in the treatment of female idiopathic bladder instability. Results from double blind treatment

Riva, D.; Casolati, E.

Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology 11(1-2): 37-42


ISSN/ISBN: 0390-6663
PMID: 6370504
Document Number: 5584
The Authors carried out a random double-blind trial on 30 patients affected by idiopathic urge incontinence with oxybutynin chloride (15 mg/die) and placebo for two 20 day therapeutical cycles. The 24 patients who completed the trial oxybutynin chloride induced statistically significant effects--compared to placebo too--both on the subjective symptoms (reduction or disappearance of the urgency in 14 cases - 60.8% - and of urge incontinence in 16 cases - 76.1%) and on the objective symptoms showed by cystomanometry (increased bladder capacity at the FD and VSD in 14 and 15 cases, respectively; absence of involuntary contraction in 9 cases and normal or reduced detrusor pressure at the VSD in 13 out of 16 cases). Improvements, though less significant, were also obtained with the placebo.

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Oxybutynin chloride in the treatment of female idiopathic bladder instability. Results from double blind treatment