Treatment of cyclical mastodynia using an extract of Vitex agnus castus: results of a double-blind comparison with a placebo
Halaska, M.; Raus, K.; Bĕles, P.; Martan, A.; Paithner, K.G.
Ceska Gynekologie 63(5): 388-392
ISSN/ISBN: 1210-7832 PMID: 9818496 Document Number: 494391
The aim of study presented here was to gather the data about the tolerability and efficacy of Vitex agnus castus (VACS) extract. The study was designed as double-blind, placebo controlled in two parallel groups (each 50 patients). Treatment phase lasted 3 consequent menstrual cycles (2 x 30 drops/day = 1.8 ml of VASC) or placebo. Mastalgia during at least 5 days of the cycle before the treatment was the strict inclusion condition. For assessment of the efficacy visual analogue scale was used. Altogether 97 patients were included into the statistical analysis (VACS: n = 48, placebo: n = 49). Intensity of breast pain diminished quicker with VACS group. The tolerability was satisfactory. We found VACS to be useful in the treatment of cyclical breast pain in women.