Early diagnosis and reasons for not administering thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarct

Cagán, S.; Jurkovicová, O.; Mot'ovská, Z.; Wimmerová, S.; Besedová, I.; Trnovec, T.

Vnitrni Lekarstvi 48(2): 112-119


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-773X
PMID: 11949218
Document Number: 549059
In Slovakia we are lacking data on early (before examination of serum markers of myocardial necrosis) pertaining to thrombolytic treatment (TLL) which is inevitable in case of acute myocardial infarction (AIM) as well as data on the reasons why TLL is not implemented. This why the authors analyze the results of completed comprehensive project Audit concerned with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in patients with acute coronary syndromes during the pre-hospital and hospital stage (AUDIT). The investigation was a perspective multi-centre study. Data were collected from 3123 patients with AIM in 66 departments (in 64 health institutions) during Sept. 16 1997 till Sept. 15 1998. The group included patients admitted within 96 hours after the development of complaints with the diagnosis or suspicion of AIM and discharged with the diagnosis of a first/repeated AIM. Early diagnosis of AIM was made in 1736 (55.6%) patients. In the AUDIT study TLL was assessed in 1074 (34.6%) patients. A marked difference between the number of candidates for TLL and the number of patients with TLL where TLL was implemented requires that in analyses of TLL in patients with AIM attention should be paid also to reasons why it was not implemented. The most frequent cause why TLL was nor implemented was late admission of the patient to hospital (in patients who attended hospital < 6 hours, TLL was not implemented in 48.5%, after admission between 6 and 12 hours in 70% and in patients admitted > 12 hours in as many as 90.8% patients), equivocal indication of TLL (in 29.9% patients) and contraindications (in 16.1% patients). The presented results are priority data on the early diagnosis of AIM and reasons why TLL was not implemented. It is part of data essential needed for elaboration of a (national) programme of better care (management) of patients with AIM taking into account also economic factors.

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