Contraindications of thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarct

Genoni, M.; Malacrida, R.; Maggioni, A.; Moccetti, T.

Zeitschrift für Kardiologie 85(6): 397-406


ISSN/ISBN: 0300-5860
PMID: 8767364
Document Number: 457856
In 43 Swiss hospitals, 824 patients have been included in the ISIS-3 trial with suspected or proven myocardial infarction. Another 504 patients with proven myocardial infarction have been excluded for various reasons and have been registered in the study log-book (total 1328 patients). The usual clinical contraindications for thrombolysis are listed and discussed in this paper. 1/3 of those patients excluded from the trial had not received thrombolysis without clear contraindications (age, diabetes, anticoagulation, candidates for a pace-maker) and another 27% have had only relative contraindications (resuscitation, puncture, ulcer pain, hypertension). The new guidelines for thrombolytic therapy allowed more patients to benefit from this therapy.

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