Incidence of the helminth parasites of the domestic fowl in the Vom area of Benue-Plateau state-Nigeria
Fabiyi, J.P.
Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa 20(3): 229-234
ISSN/ISBN: 0007-487X PMID: 4666917 Document Number: 54585
Examination of 180 chickens from the Vom area, Nigeria, showed that 162 were infected with helminths; 9 species of nematodes and 6 species of cestodes were present. The location in the host, percentage incidence and range of worm burdens of each species are tabulated. The commonest nematodes were Ascaridia styphlocerca, Gongylonema congolense, Tetrameres fissispina and Subulura suctoria which occurred in 50.0, 47.7, 43.3 and 43.3% of fowls respectively, and the most common cestodes were Raillietina (Raillietina) echinobothridia, R. (R.) tetragona and Hymenolepis carioca which were present in 60.0, 53.3 and 43.3% respectively. Control and rearing methods are discussed.