Onchocerciasis in the Benue State of Nigeria. IV. The prevalence of the disease among the population in Manor

Dipeolu, O.O.; Gemade, E.I.

International Journal of Zoonoses 10(1): 85-95


ISSN/ISBN: 0377-0168
PMID: 6642907
Document Number: 208070
Of 1306 people in the Manor area of Benue State, Nigeria, examined by skin snip between January and December 1981, 911 (69.8%) were positive for microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus. Infection rate increased with age. 515 (39.4%) were positive for Dipetalonema perstans and double infections were frequent. 135 (10.3%) of the subjects had visual impairment, including total blindness. There was a gradual increase in prevalence with advancing age in males, visual impairment occurring in 2.4% of the 11- to 20-year-olds, increasing to 77% of those 50 or more years old. Subcutaneous nodules were found in 377 (28.7%) and the prevalence was higher in males than in females. Altogether 1010 nodules were recorded and 750 (74.3%) of them occurred on the lower part of the body, mainly on the pelvis, knees and ankles. 2 palpable nodules were seen on a 4-year-old child. Itching was a general complaint of all infected people. Depigmentation was most marked over the shins and was most prevalent in adults over 30 years old. Significantly more males than females exhibited this condition. Lichenification was commoner among infected people and was significantly more frequent in males than in females. Examination of hospital records for the year showed that the infection is widespread in the State. At Katsina-Ala health centre, 276 (30.1%) of 917 examined by skin snip were positive and prevalences at 13 other centres ranged from 2.2 to 28.4%. From previous findings Gemade and Dipeolu [see Trop. Dis. Bull., 1984, 81, abst. 1727] recorded that the Kwande Local Government area of the Benue State of Nigeria is endemic for onchocerciasis. They followed up these investigations from January to December 1981 in 8 villages scattered along the river Amire u kiriki in the Manor area.

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