The functional interrelationships of blood glucose and immunoreactive insulin in the intravenous glucose tolerance test in coronary atherosclerosis patients
Denisova, T.P.; Malinov, I.A.
Klinicheskaia Laboratornaia Diagnostika 7: 9-11
ISSN/ISBN: 0869-2084 PMID: 10502919 Document Number: 511122
Measurements of blood glucose and immunoreactive insulin (IRI) during glucose tolerance test (GTT) in patients with coronary atherosclerosis and with hereditary predisposition to this condition were carried out. The results were processed using programs based on the least squares method, theoretically based on the main assumptions of the probability theory. A strong (virtually linear) correlation between glucose and IRI was detected in the studied groups. Shift of the glucose level by 1 unit in patients with coronary atherosclerosis leads to an almost twofold increase in IRI level, as against subjects with hereditary liability to coronary atherosclerosis. Nonlinear relationship between glucose and IRI in the GTT is described for the control group.