Comparison of blood sugar measured by Hoffman's, glucose oxidase and dextrostix technics during the oral glucose tolerance test
Gay, G.; Mejean, L.; Debry, G.
Pathologie-Biologie 23(8): 623-628
ISSN/ISBN: 0369-8114 PMID: 1101161 Document Number: 91144
The venous blood sugar has been measured in 384 adult subjects, between 20 and 60 years if agem during two oral glocose tolerance tests, with three methods: Hoffman's method, Glucose-oxidase method, and assay with reflectance meter (DRM). A good correlation was found with all methods (erg = 0,6 at 60 mn after load); however, the results given by the DRM were lower. So, in spite of its practical and economical advantages, the DRM can neverbe used for the diagnosis of an anomaly in the OGTT results. This method is a good one in emergency situations and in mass screening for diabetes.