Surgical treatment of blepharospasm. Report of 2 patients

Friedhofer, H.; Oliveira, R.R.; Paula, P.R.; Limongi, J.C.; Ferreira, M.C.

Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 57(2b): 476-483


ISSN/ISBN: 0004-282X
PMID: 10450357
Document Number: 504128
Essential blepharospasm can be approached by several types of treatment: clinical in which the most important is the botulinum toxin with advantages and limitations; and some options of surgical treatment. The surgical technique described by Gillum and Anderson offers an alternative to patients resistant to the clinical treatment or with secondary complications. Two cases are analysed. Myectomy of all accessible orbicularis oculi, procerus and corrugator superciliaris muscle associated with blepharoplastic surgery and frontal lifting was indicated due to poor answer to clinical treatment. The results were satisfactory and both patients returned to their normal activities.

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