Violence in Bergen. A one-year material from the emergency department in Bergen

Steen, K.; Hunskår, S.

Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening Tidsskrift for Praktisk Medicin Ny Raekke 117(2): 226-229


ISSN/ISBN: 0029-2001
PMID: 9064838
Document Number: 473642
The incidence and prevalence of violence in a society are usually estimated on the basis of police and court records. A public health approach to this problem is uncommon. We examined all assault victims who attended the Accident and Emergency Department, in Bergen, Norway during a 12 month period in 1994-95. The attending physician filled in a questionnaire on violence as a part of the medical history. The questionnaire included questions on when, where and how the violence occurred, possible influence of alcohol on both victim and perpetrator, and whether or not the patient intended to press legal charges. We also recorded information on diagnosis, treatment, admission to hospital and referral to specialists, and on the personal characteristics of the assault victim (gender, age, domicile, work record). 994 assault victims were identified, 241 females and 753 males. The mean age of the males was 28 years and of the females 33 years. The majority of the assaults took place at night and at weekends, and under influence of alcohol. Weapons were rarely used and physical injuries were usually slight. A majority of the patients did not want to press legal charges.

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