If the woman giving birth had her choice... Results of a consumer study in the region of Bergen

Trovik, J.; Salvesen, H.; Marøy, M.; Dalaker, K.

Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening Tidsskrift for Praktisk Medicin Ny Raekke 115(7): 838-841


ISSN/ISBN: 0029-2001
PMID: 7701494
Document Number: 441345
In the region around Bergen, Norway, 792 women answered a questionnaire during their pregnancy or postnatal period. The purpose was to obtain their view of the obstetric care provided during labour. This survey demonstrates that the women expect a high level of medical response. In order to feel secure during their labour, the majority want an obstetrician, a paediatrician and an anesthesia-team to be immediately available. Most of the women consider investigations by ultrasound and electronic foetal heart rate monitoring to be reassuring. 86% of them feel assured when paid a visit regularly by the obstetrician when in the labour ward. Most of the women would like to see the structure of our delivery department reorganized in order to have combined labour and postnatal wards.

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