The effect of a community-based intimate-partner violence advocacy program in the emergency department on identification rate of intimate-partner violence

Feighny, K.M.; Muelleman, R.L.

Missouri Medicine 96(7): 242-244


ISSN/ISBN: 0026-6620
PMID: 10409835
Document Number: 505802
A retrospective medical record review assessed identification rate of women acutely injured by intimate-partner violence before and after implementation of an Emergency Department (ED) intimate-partner violence advocacy program. After program implementation, the identification rate of intimate-partner violence increased over 40%. Of the 19 physicians in the ED during both time periods, 17 (89%) identified more cases after the program began (p < 0.003). Implementation of a community-based intimate-partner violence advocacy program in the ED resulted in an increased identification rate of intimate violence.

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