Quality management and quality assurance: terminology of a structural change in medicine

Schilling, J.; Cranovsky, R.; Gutzwiller, F.

Praxis 85(22): 714-720


ISSN/ISBN: 1661-8157
PMID: 8693236
Document Number: 458995
The topic of quality assurance and management gains increasing interest by society, medical professionals, carriers of health expenses and government. In this review the most important terms borrowed from industry and management will be critically explained to persons employed in Health Systems in particular. Beside numerous novel quality terms, closer attention is paid to the Donabedian model, extended by indicational quality, audits, tracer systems, ISO models, technology assessment, total quality management, new control mechanisms in health care and costs. In the context of structural changes in society and medicine the new aspects of quality are featured as a real chance for a 'healthy' Public System and not as a threat.

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