Effects of chronic elevated levels of CO2 on the concentration of blood cellular elements and plasma corticosterone in the male rat
Alexander, R.A.; Lang, C.K.; Steele, M.K.; Corbin, B.J.; Wade, C.E.; Wade, C.E.
Journal of Gravitational Physiology a Journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology 2(1): P134-P135
ISSN/ISBN: 1077-9248 PMID: 11538897 Document Number: 443044
The mean CO2 concentration on the Space Shuttle is 0.3% and has reached 0.7%, for extended periods of time. Following space flight, it has been shown that both humans and animals have significant changes in red blood cell counts (RBC) and white blood cell counts (WBC). In other studies, where no difference occurred in total WBC, a significant change did occur in the distribution of WBC. WBC are affected by circulating levels of glucocorticoids, which often increase when animals or humans are exposed to adverse and/or novel stimuli (e.g. elevated CO2 levels or weightlessness). The purpose of this study was to determine if elevations in CO2 concentration produce changes in total WBC and/or their distribution.