Electron microscopic histochemical study in human trabecular meshwork--Second report: location of glycoconjugate residues using lectins
Nagata, S.
Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi 98(1): 23-30
ISSN/ISBN: 0029-0203 PMID: 8109442 Document Number: 431830
The location of fourteen lectins in normal human trabecular meshworks were investigated with the electron microscope. The specimens were embedded in Lowicryl K4M at low temperature. Ultrathin sections were stained with biotin labeled lectins and colloidal gold labeled streptoavidin and observed with the electron microscope. ABA, ConA, DSA, PHA-E1, PHA-L4, WGA, LCA, and RCA120 were localized around fine fibrils underneath the endothelium of the trabecular wall of the Schlemm's canal (type I plaque) and collagenous fibers in the corneoscleral meshworks. ABA, ConA, and DSA were localized on the long-spacing collagens, basal membrane, microfibrils of elastic fiber (type II plaque), and fine granular (type III plaque). The present study indicated that extracellular matrices of normal human trabecular meshworks contained specific glycoconjugate residues.