Histochemical and electron microscopic study of the liver in piglets with migrating ascariasis

Chebshev, N.V.

Meditsinskaia Parazitologiia i Parazitarnye Bolezni 47(4): 32-34


ISSN/ISBN: 0025-8326
PMID: 683138
Document Number: 131706
Histological, histochemical and EM examinations of livers from piglets with migratory ascariasis established disorders of circulation, vacuolar-granular dystrophy of hepatocytes, foci of necrosis, fragmentation and vacuolization of the endoplasmic reticulum, swelling of mitochondria, and diminution and disappearance of cristae in mitochondria. The disorders in the enzymatic activity of SDG , a decrease in the content of glycogen and RNA in liver cells were observed. Marked histochemical changes occurred in foci of necrosis where glycogen, RNA and enzymes disappeared. The pathological development in the specific host occurred in the nonspecific host and was associated with hypoxia as a result of the allergizing, traumatizing and toxic effect of ascarid larvae.

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