An electron microscopic histochemical study on the localization of sialic acids in human trabecular meshwork
Nagata, S.
Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi 97(7): 777-785
ISSN/ISBN: 0029-0203 PMID: 8352075 Document Number: 405235
The localization of sialic acids in human trabecular meshworks of normal eyes, primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) eyes, congenital glaucoma eyes, and juvenile glaucoma eyes was investigated using biotinyl lectin (LPA, SSA, MAM) and avidin-gold electron microscopic histochemistry. Gold particles were detectable in fine fibrils underneath Schlemm's canal and collagen fibers of normal, POAG, congenital glaucoma, and juvenile glaucoma eyes equally. Many gold particles were detected especially in fine fibrils and basal membrane (compact tissue) 3 microns underneath Schlemm's canal. The present study indicated that extracellular matrices of congenital glaucoma and juvenile glaucoma contained sialic acids and that this may be related to the ocular hypertension of these diseases.