Treatment of heart insufficiency in the elderly with converting enzyme inhibitors

Correia, J.F.

Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia Orgao Oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia 11(11): 969-984


ISSN/ISBN: 0870-2551
PMID: 1290644
Document Number: 395250
The main objectives of the treatment of Congestive Heart Failure are the improvement of quality of life and the reduction of mortality. Both are accomplished by the ACE inhibitors. The most important trials on the effect of ACE inhibitors on the improvement of the quality of life are reviewed. Trials about the reduction of mortality with ACE inhibitors are analysed. The sudden death problem was considered and so the relationship of this with ventricular arrhythmias. The recent evidence of a beneficial effect of captopril was reported. At last we analyse secondary effects of these drugs on the treatment of Heart Failure in old patients.

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