Hypertension therapy in the elderly. Our experience with converting enzyme inhibitors

Malacco, E.; Landi, C.; Magenta, M.; Sartini, C.

Minerva Medica 77(47-48): 2217-2220


ISSN/ISBN: 0026-4806
PMID: 3027620
Document Number: 280559
Arterial hypertension shows, in the elderly, particular features and special problems connected with its pharmacological treatment. In our work ten patients, aged between 65-75, suffering from essential hypertension, were examined for eight weeks. At the end of this period, we observed a significant reduction of systolic and diastolic pressure, heart rate being unchanged. We didn't observe any significant change in the metabolic parameters considered (uricemia, creatininemia, triglycerides and cholesterol). No patient had to interrupt the treatment as a consequence of side effects. According to our data, we can affirm that Captopril reduces arterial pressure gradually and doesn't cause orthostatic hypotension, being thus very useful in the elderly.

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