Can endoscopic methods decrease the mortality and complication rate of bleeding stomach and duodenal ulcer? A study of the literature

Sarkar, M.R.; Kienzle, H.F.; Bähr, R.

Leber Magen Darm 22(1): 10-2 15-8


ISSN/ISBN: 0300-8622
PMID: 1569807
Document Number: 390494
Bleedings from gastroduodenal ulcers still pose a major threat to health and life of a patient. Recent technical developments have provided the endoscopist with several methods for achieving hemostasis. In the present paper the results from clinical studies concerning interventional endoscopy shall be discussed. Criteria for the therapeutic approach for an individual patient shall be presented. Optimal results are possible if diagnosis and initial treatment are handled quickly by an experienced endoscopist. Early cooperation with the surgeon will further improve the outcome.

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