Postprandial lipemia in the non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patient. Effect of gemfibrozil
Lerman Garber, I.; Ahumada Ayala, M.; Cardoso Saldaña, G.; Zamora González, J.; Ichazo Cerro, S.; Posadas Romero, C.
Revista de Investigacion Clinica; Organo del Hospital de Enfermedades de la Nutricion 43(4): 305-314
ISSN/ISBN: 0034-8376 PMID: 1798863 Document Number: 386891
The postprandial (PP) elevations in triglyceride rich lipoproteins are potentially atherogenic. To describe the characteristics of PP lipemia after a fat load in non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and evaluate the response to a fibric acid derivative, seven males with NIDDM were studied for 12 hours after the ingestion of a fat load (65 g of fat/square meter of body surface). Plasma glucose, and triglycerides and cholesterol levels were measured in total plasma and in the different lipoprotein fractions. The fat load study was repeated after four weeks of treatment with gemfibrozil (GEM) 600 mg x 2. PP triglyceridemia correlated significantly with the fasting triglyceride concentrations. Basal triglyceride levels diminished significantly with the use of gemfibrozil and so did the magnitude of the PP triglyceridemia. Otherwise the curve patterns of lipemia were similar before and after the use of the fibrate; only the triglyceridemia persisted for a longer period of time. Patients with NIDDM may have a significant PP lipemia which is not likely related to the diabetes per se as to the increased triglyceride levels frequently observed in these patients.