Determinants of fertility in Taiwan--a simultaneous model with female labor force participation

Chang, C.H.; Tsai, H.L.

In'gu Munje Nonjip 5: 71-118


ISSN/ISBN: 0537-6998
PMID: 12222491
Document Number: 386714
The main purpose of this study was to ascertain the determinants of age-specific female fertility rates among Taiwan's 361 local administrative areas. The New Home Economics derived from neoclassical economic theories provided models which, modified slightly by the emphasis of demographers and sociologists on factors formulating tastes, we applied to the 1976 Household Registration Data in Taiwan. In specifying models, we not only include 4 female age-specific explanatory variables which are crucial to the timing of childbearing and women's other life cycle events, but also frame a simultaneous equations system to allow for possible interactions between their fertility behavior and labor supply decisions. (author's)

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