Female labor force participation and suicide
Burr, J.A.; McCall, P.L.; Powell-Griner, E.
Social Science and Medicine 44(12): 1847-1859
ISSN/ISBN: 0277-9536 PMID: 9194246 DOI: 10.1016/s0277-9536(96)00294-8Document Number: 272395
To test the role conflict and role enhancement hypotheses, this paper examines the link between female labor force participation and suicide. Using a special tabulation of age/sex-specific suicide data for metropolitan areas in the United States, we estimate separate multivariate regression models for women and men in 1970 and 1980. Our findings show that in 1970 the level of female labor force participation among married women with small children is not related to the female suicide rate but is related to the male suicide rate in a positive direction. By 1980 the relationship between female labor force participation and the male and female suicide rate is negative, suggesting that the well-being of both men and women is enhanced by role accumulation among women.