Changes in economic well-being of families with children in Canada and Quebec over the last 15 years
Brouillette, L.; Felteau, C.; Lefebvre, P.; Pelletier, A.
Cahiers Quebecois de Demographie 19(2): 241-272
ISSN/ISBN: 0380-1721 PMID: 12283934 Document Number: 374465
"This study analyses changes in the average real income of families with children [in Canada] over the 1971-1987 period. It presents the factual basis with which to evaluate changes in incomes at a variety of positions along the income distribution, focusing on poverty and income inequality. The study presents the sources of family income changes by emphasizing: the contributions of wives' earnings which affect total family income, the incidence of poverty as well as time available for leisure and child care; the role of government's cash transfers and personal income taxes." (SUMMARY IN ENG AND SPA)