Life Cycle of the Golden Cyst Nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, in Quebec, Canada
Mimee, B.; Dauphinais, N.; Bélair, G.
Journal of Nematology 47(4): 290-295
ISSN/ISBN: 0022-300X PMID: 26941456 Document Number: 680094
In 2006, the golden cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, was discovered in the province of Quebec, Canada. We report here the life cycle of G. rostochiensis under the climatic conditions of southwestern Quebec. Only one full generation was completed per year under these latitudes. On susceptible potato cv. Snowden, G. rostochiensis needed a minimum of 579 growing degree units (GDU) (base 5.9°C) to complete its life cycle and the first mature cysts were observed 42 to 63 days after planting (DAP). In soil, second-stage juveniles (J2) were first observed 14 to 21 DAP, whereas both white females on roots and males in soil appeared synchronously after 35 to 42 days. The duration of the life cycle was affected by temperature but not by soil type. A second wave of hatching systematically occurred later in the season and a second generation of males was observed during the 2011 growth season. No complete second cycle was observed before plant senescence. Climate change and later maturing cultivars/crops could allow the development of a full second generation in the future.