Use of the pulsimetric method for estimating energy value of food rations for miners in deep coal mines
Vankhanen, V.V.; Smolianskiĭ, B.L.; Sokolov, A.I.; Noreĭko, S.B.
Voprosy Pitaniia 5: 44-48
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-8833 PMID: 1796573 Document Number: 371336
Pulsimetry proved to be the most acceptable method for estimating energy requirements of miners working under extreme conditions with constantly changing ergometric parameters. It has been established that the mean daily energy requirements of miners working in deep coal mines under conditions of high temperature comprise 3500 kcal. Energy requirements for the main types of the physical activity of workers in deep mines have been calculated, basing on basal metabolism, metabolic constants for varying activities have been determined.