Structure and dynamics of systemic organization of the cardiorespiratory function during the adaptation process of miners to occupational factors in deep coal mines

Perederiĭ, G.S.; Grebniak, V.P.; Tkachenko, L.N.; Iakovleva, I.G.

Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (1): 27-30


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-9919
PMID: 2707608
Document Number: 341216
Characteristics of the systems organization of the cardiorespiratory function were analyzed in miners of different age. The findings were compared to the data on labour turnover, work efficiency and the rate of cardiovascular diseases. It is indicated that an initial adaptation period in deep coal mines was accompanied by the stress of vegetative regulatory mechanisms, significant labour turnover and low work efficiency of miners. The stage of resistant adaptation was characterized by raising functional flexibility, decrease in labour turnover and elevation of the degree of professional work capacity. For miners aged 35 and older the process of systems restructuring of vegetative functions was followed by the decrease in labour efficiency and significant growth of cardiovascular diseases.

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