The prevalence of ischemic heart disease and the characteristics of sudden cardiac death in miners of the Donets Basin coal mines
Cherkesov, V.V.
Likars'ka Sprava 2000(3-4): 86-90
ISSN/ISBN: 1019-5297 PMID: 10921272 Document Number: 514635
Prevalence of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and of general population risk factors was studied on the basis of results of the epidemiological survey among miners (n = 6500) working in coal mines of Donbass with different mining and geological conditions and mining and technical characteristics. In the above series, there prevailed exertional angina and an arrhythmia form of IHD in which the pain syndrome was absent or was of atypical character. Recordable in the miners was an age-associated increase in IHD prevalence. There was also a relatedness of this parameter to the length of service in underground conditions. Direct correlation between the underground service duration and IHD rates was ascertained in all age groups. In 56 percent of cases unexpected cardiac death occurred at job or on the worker's way home, which event was in 63 percent of cases related to hard strenuous work, performing labour-consuming operations at high temperature. Furthermore, in 80 percent of cases the above events were preceded by psychoemotional overstrain.