Signs of chronic overheating in miners of deep coal mines

Peftiev, I.F.; Maksimovich, V.A.

Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (6): 7-9


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-9919
PMID: 2767495
Document Number: 334257
Both miners exposed to high temperature and excess heat and miners working under permissible temperature conditions (a control group) had similar nonspecific signs, i. e., complaints of heartache and headache, erethism, flaccidity, hydrosis, degradation of appetite and sleep, vertigo, dimness, the sense of air shortage, palpitation in rest, uncertain gait, muscle spasm. There were also presented the following objective data: tremor of close eyelids, asymmetry of tendon reflex, convergence weakness, emotional lability, changes in orthostatic test results, higher Kerdau index, instability of sensitizing Romberg's test. The above signs were more pronounced in miners exposed to high temperature, thus it was possible to regard them as indicators of miners' chronic overheating.

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