Blood groups, serum cholesterol, serum uric acid, blood pressure, and obesity in adolescents
Gillum, R.F.
Journal of the National Medical Association 83(8): 682-688
ISSN/ISBN: 0027-9684 PMID: 1956079 Document Number: 369537
To assess the association of blood groups with coronary risk factors, data were examined from the third cycle of the National Health Examination Survey. In a nationwide sample of more than 6000 black and white adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, ABO blood group, haptoglobin phenotype, selected other genetic markers of blood and secretions, and coronary risk factor levels were measured. Blood group A1 was associated with significantly higher serum total cholesterol levels in white females independent of multiple potential confounders, in white males independent of age and weight, and in southern black females independent of age and weight. ABO blood group was not significantly associated with blood pressure, resting heart rate, or subscapular skinfold thickness. An association with serum uric acid in white males was not independent of weight. In white males only, haptoglobin phenotype 2-2 was associated with significantly higher serum cholesterol levels than 1-1 or 2-1 adjusting for age and weight. No consistent associations were found between Rh types, ABH secretor ability, or group-specific component types and risk factors. This analysis of national data confirms previously reported associations of blood group A with higher serum total cholesterol levels in white adults and adolescents.