The effect of anti-bursa serum (ABS) on the intensity of acid phosphatase reaction in bursa-dependent structures of the chicken spleen and on the level of antibodies in the blood serum

Graczyk, S.

Archivum Veterinarium Polonicum 34(1-2): 25-36


ISSN/ISBN: 1230-5359
PMID: 8590904
Document Number: 431479
Administering rabbit anti-bursa serum (ABS) to chickens, as in neonatal bursectomy, brought about a decreased acid phosphatase (APh) reaction in germinal centres type I and II, and in the periellipsoidal lymphatic tissue (PEL) of the spleen. Following a stimulation with sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) traces of specific anti-SRBC agglutinins appeared in the blood serum of the ABS-treated chickens, while in bursectomized chickens there was only a slight decrease in the titre of those antibodies. It is suggested that these results may serve as a base for further studies on the role and participation of the spleen structures in the chicken immunological response.

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