The enteral absorption of iron (II) from humic acid-iron complexes in suckling piglets using radiolabeled iron (59Fe)

Fuchs, V.; Kuhnert, M.; Golbs, S.; Dedek, W.

Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 97(5): 208-209


ISSN/ISBN: 0341-6593
PMID: 2142072
Document Number: 353020
Bioavailability of iron (II) bounded as a chelate to macromolecular humic acids was investigated in two different concentrations using retention rates of 59Fe in piglets (age: 24 h). Investigations period was from 3 hrs. to 21 days following application. 21 days after a single oral application of the humic-acid-iron-complexes, 25% of the total Fe was detected in the animal, distributed in the erythrocytes (80%), muscles and bones (8% respectively) and liver (4%). For the first time in veterinary medicine these results enable a combined therapy of enteric and iron-deficiency syndrome by using only one drug. Recommendation for dosing is provided.

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