Compounds similar to acyclovir. VII. Attempts to construct an anti-herpetic agent (6-hydroxy-2-oxa-4-hexenyl derivatives of nucleic bases

Kochetkova, S.V.; Tsilevich, T.L.; Vladyko, G.V.; Korobchenko, L.V.; Boreko, E.I.; Smirnov, I.P.; Khorlin, A.A.; Gottikh, B.P.; Florent'ev, V.L.

Bioorganicheskaia Khimiia 16(10): 1362-1368


ISSN/ISBN: 0132-3423
PMID: 1964778
Document Number: 349648
Based on the available data on the acyclovir's mechanism of action we attempted to predict the antiherpetic activity of 6-hydroxy-2-oxahexen-4-yl derivatives of nucleic bases. In terms of this model 9-(6-hydroxy-2-oxahexen-4-yl) guanine might be active. 6-Hydroxy-2-oxahexen-4-yl derivatives of adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, uracil, 1,2,4-triazole-3 and 1,2,4-triazole-5-carboxamide have been synthesized and their activity against herpes virus I investigated. The guanine derivative proved to possess rather high activity (chemotherapeutical index 8).

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