Use of autoblood photomodification in combined therapy of patients with diabetes mellitus of the non-insulin-dependent type

Iakovlev, G.M.; Kholmogorov, V.E.; Kozhemiakin, L.A.; Drygin, A.N.; Krylenkov, V.A.

Problemy Endokrinologii 35(2): 22-27


ISSN/ISBN: 0375-9660
PMID: 2740309
Document Number: 347319
The paper is concerned with the results of a study of the effect of single reinfusion of photomodified autoblood on the level of plasma hormones, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system of erythrocytes, the activity of the main enzymes of glucose metabolism in erythrocytes, the state of cellular immunity in 45 patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) in 1.7 and 14 days after autoblood photomodification (BPM). BPM was shown to cause a prolonged effect of the activation of intracellular glucose metabolism, a decrease in the endogenous insulin consumption by tissues, and a decrease in the blood concentration of hormones of contrainsular action. The use of BPM enhanced lipid peroxidation and the activity of the antioxidant system of erythrocytes. Higher activity of immunocompetent lymphocytes was in line with the time course of the hormone level. The authors proposed a hypothesis accounting for a many-sided effect of BPM on glucose metabolism and hormonal changes in NIDDM patients.

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