First regional workshop for the strengthening of the regional network of personnel training and specific support in adult literacy and education programmes within the framework of the principal education project of Latin America and the Caribbean. Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico, 17-21 March 1986, Final Report
Primer taller regional para el fortalecimiento de la red regionale de capacitacion de personal y de apoyos especificos en programas de alfabetizacion y educacion de adultos en el marco del proyecto principal de educacion para America Latina y el Caribe Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico, 17-21 marzo de 1986, Informe final: 193
Document Number: 341920
The workshop discusses proposals covering the justification, objectives and implementation of 5 specific projects: strengthening of existing training capacity in the countries concerned; elaboration and exchange of teaching material; development of an information and documentation system; systematization, evaluation and investigation of innovative teaching experiences; and exchange of specialized personnel and horizontal cooperation. National proposals from adult education organizations from 10 of the member states for the implementation of some or all of the 5 projects are also presented.