Literacy, post-literacy and continuing education programmes in the context of permanent education in Colombia. The results of an international research project of the Unesco Institute for Education in collaboration with the German Commission for Unesco, Bonn
Hurtado Bolivar, L.
Estudios del IUE sobre la Post Alfabetizacion y la Educacion Continuada Serie en Espanol, Unesco Institute for Education, German Federal Re ic 6: 73
Document Number: 341606
The study is in three parts. Part 1 provides a general description of the social, economic and political background in Colombia, the structure and organization of the education system, and non-formal and adult education activities. Part 2 describes government policy in relation to non-formal and continuing education, with particular reference to CAMINA (the National Instruction Campaign) which aims to reach people outside the formal education system, and which integrates the public and private sectors in literacy, vocational training, health education, and open university programmes. Part 3 describes in more detail various post-literacy programmes and teaching methods used.
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