Praziquantel therapy in childhood neurocysticercosis

Kalra, V.; Deorari, A.K.; Goulatia, R.K.

Indian Pediatrics 24(12): 1095-1098


ISSN/ISBN: 0019-6061
PMID: 3450660
Document Number: 297911
Six patients with neurocysticercosis were treated with praziquantel and followed up for almost two years. Five patients had parenchymal disease and one had associated arachnoiditis. Clinical and CT analysis revealed significant improvement in 5/6 patients. Praziquantal was given in a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight for 2 weeks along with corticosteroids in the initial phase. The anticonvulsants were gradually tapered after one year. Therapeutic response was sustained for an year or longer. The quality of life was significantly better following therapy.

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