Isolation and purification of proteolytic enzymes on organo-silica sorbents with immobilized gramicidin S

Ignatchenko, A.P.; Bogomaz, V.I.; Tugaĭ, V.A.; Chuĭko, A.A.

Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal 59(6): 28-33


ISSN/ISBN: 0201-8470
PMID: 2448932
Document Number: 294733
Biospecific sorbents for affinity chromatography of proteolytic enzymes have been synthesized by attaching cyclopeptide antibiotic gramicidin S to organo-silica supports. It is shown possible to attach gramicidin S to the organo-silica supports using glutaric aldehyde, p-benzoquinone, soluble and insoluble carbodiimides. The sorbents prepared by these methods were successfully applied for the purification of the crude pepsin from horse gastric juice and proteolytic complex produced by Acremonium chrysogenum.

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